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The net is a great source of information and opportunities for everyone! That means for adults as well as for children. Not to mention, email is a super convenient way to communicate with others regardless of where they are in the world. Not to mention, you never have to worry about calling someone at a bad time because all you need to do is send them an email- and they will receive it and most will respond when they can. Email is a great way to connect and correspond with others at anytime you wish. That means even at 3am, where it would not be appreciated to have the phone ring at that time. At least by using email to communicate does not involve waking up your roommates or family members in the night.

However, there is a very dark side to the net, as well as to email. Unfortunately, if someone not trustworthy or even considered dangerous gets a hold of your email address, that means trouble. Now if someone is harassing you via email, all you need to do is get the cops involved and these messages can easily be traced. However, your child will not know that if he or she is the one who is receiving harassing emails from bullies, or dangerous strangers! And if your kids are receiving harassing emails.. or deceptive ones from predators- they are not going to necessarily tell you and there is a good chance that negative things can escalate. Let’s perish that thought and focus on an excellent solution.

The solution to such a horrific problem is called KidsEmail.

What is KidsEmail?

KidsEmail is a safe email service for children and families, and has been around since 2009. Whenever your child receives an email, parents or guardians can see what these emails are- as well as what their kids are sending off, and tho whom. If anything fishy is coming, parents can intervene right away and keep their kids safe. was designed to compliment their internet safety product called My Kids Browser. My Kids Browser is an internet browser that only allows kids to go to websites that parents choose.

What are the Features of the Service?

KidsEmail has excellent features to make emailing fun for kids, teens and parents. Most importantly it has the following safety features-

  • Parents will receive copies of emails being sent to their kids.
  • Parents have the ability to remove links and images in their kids’ email.
  • Attachment types can be controlled. Parents can allow certain attachment types to come through like Excel, and not let others come through like images, videos, mp3s, Word, pdf, etc.
  • There is an offensive word filter.
  • Spam filtering which is important since plenty of spam can contain adult material.
  • There is an activity log, meaning you will know exactly when your kids are logging in.
  • Parents have the ability to restrict when children login, and if they attempt to login during times that are restricted- they will receive a custom message from the parent letting them know that email is off-limits.
  • You have the ability to block senders if you sense they are trouble for your child.
  • There is a mail queue which gives the parents an opportunity to approve or delete emails before anything can reach your child’s inbox.
  • There is a contact manager, and parents can add or remove contacts. Parents can also block certain senders from sending their child emails.
  • It is ad free meaning there is no worry of inappropriate ads popping up.
  • There is a GPS tracker for kids that are using mobile, so the parent knows where their child has been.
  • And there are other great features as well-

  • Kids have the option to create their custom mail folders and templates.
  • There is a read it feature to help kids improve their reading skills.
  • KidsEmail offers kids a drawing board which encourages kids to express themselves by drawing and sending pictures to friends and family.
  • There are settings that are appropriate for older kids and teens as well that parents can customize.
  • Would I recommend KidsEmail? Absolutely!! It is a must have for families, and will help keep kids safe, and will give the parents the piece of mind that their kids are not receiving harassing or dangerous emails.

    Check out KidsEmail on their website
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