Make Money Online

expressive mom make money

There are several ways to make money online. I will provide you a list of methods you can use to earn cash. Now I will start off by providing you a list of online reward sites that are legitimate. You are not going to make a million dollars by using these. However, you can do well if you make time to use these on a consistent basis.

Reward Sites



Quick Rewards


Daily Rewards

Freelance Writing

These is a high demand for freelance writers, and if writing interests you, then take advantage of these. Listed below are some sites where you can land some pretty good freelance writing gigs.

Wise Bread

Canadian Freelance Writing Jobs

Freelance Writing Jobs

Blogging Pro

Constant Content– where you can trade articles and blog posts for cash.

Cracked– This is if you have a sense of humor or a unique take on something, write it up and if they like it they will pay you!

Micro Jobs

You actually can do quite well with these if you can find unique small jobs, and can drive traffic over to it. These platforms are market places where you can do small jobs for a small price, however, you can always scale up if you are doing a great job.

Fiverr– Everyone knows Fiverr. You can do small jobs for $5, however, if you are receiving a lot of good reviews, you will earn privileges to add an extra $20, or $40 or even $100 to your gigs.

Gig Bucks– Similar to Fiverr. However, you can charge more than $5 depending on the task.

Micro Workers– You can find a lot of micro jobs to do with this platform.

Click Chores– These are extremely easy to do and even though the pay is very low for each gig, they are fast, easy and will add up.


Just Answer– You can get paid by answering questions on this platform.

I will be constantly updating this page. If there are any legitimate platforms that can give you an opportunity to make money, please contact me and I will check it out, and will add it to this list!