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Dear moms and dads: After months of homeschooling, social distancing and canceled activities, you deserve a medal. Seriously, bravo. But while napping for the rest of the year probably sounds like fun to you, your kids are just getting started. (And now, watching back-to-back episodes of their favorite show just doesn’t have the same novelty it did in April.) So we asked real parents to share their best hacks for keeping their whole family happy and entertained. Here, eight creative ideas to try with your crew this month.

The second wave of the Coronavirus is here as predicted and you’ll want to make sure that you make the most of the time as parents. This is why you will want to make sure that you do what you can to not lose your mind even though it is a big challenge. 

That is why you want to utilize the hacks in the link below so you keep your sanity and your kids are feeling sane and are kept stimulated as well!

What are the best things to do when it comes to making the most of parenting in 2020, click on the link below!

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