What You Need To Know About SIDS and Sleep

What You Need To Know About SIDS and Sleep

More and more studies have been done about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, better known as SIDS. The risk of losing a child to SIDS has worried parents for decades, but with these new studies, scientists are learning more about the cause. However, even if the cause is...
How To Turn Your Garage Into a Kids’ Playroom

How To Turn Your Garage Into a Kids’ Playroom

If you’re a parent seeking new ways to repurpose your garage, consider transforming it into your kids’ play domain. The garage provides a secured area for your kids to play in your home and keeps them contained in their own space when needed. The garage can offer a...
Creating A Functional Kids Space Is Not Hard

Creating A Functional Kids Space Is Not Hard

How To Create A Functional Kids Space Living with kids can certainly be chaotic at times. From plastic toys strewn across the living room floor to sticky messes on the furniture, kids have a way of making any space their own. Despite this, there are ways for families...
4 Ways To Boost Your Teenager’s Self-Confidence

4 Ways To Boost Your Teenager’s Self-Confidence

From the moment your child is born, you feel all their pain and carry all their burdens as if they were your own. Moms never want to see their children suffer, but unfortunately, it’s inevitable sometimes. The teenage years are full of ups and downs and these...
How To Aid Your Bullied Child

How To Aid Your Bullied Child

Bullying can turn everyday events — such as bus rides, lunch hours, and online interactions — into nightmare situations for kids and teens. Nearly every child deals with the effects of bullying in some way, whether they’re a victim, the bully, or a witness. However,...