When your kids’ teeth start falling out, it is a huge deal! And the idea of a fairy coming to their room and leaving them treats or money is an exciting one to them! In fact, there really is nothing more exciting than a reward from the Tooth Fairy because something really amazing happened. Your little ones have started losing their baby teeth, and that is one big sign that your little ones are becoming not so little anymore. They are excited, and you are as well- and perhaps you are a little sad at the same time because it can be so hard to watch your baby growing up!
However, you know your kids absolutely love receiving visits from the Tooth Fairy because of the goodies that are left for them. Why not make the experience even more exciting for your kids? The Tooth Fairy can leave them candies, money along with an envelope with their name on it… with even more goodies?
Well, guess what, you can make the experience of them losing their baby teeth even more exciting than ever. MessageFromTheToothFairy.ca can make this possible because they will mail exciting packages directly to your kids, with their names on it- along with some amazing goodies inside!
MessageFromTheToothFairy knows that each child is different, and just like you and I, they all have different likes, dislikes, personalities and so forth. That said, you can find the best package for your child who reached a huge milestone (lost a tooth!) because MessageFromTheToothFairy offers great ones.
There are 4 stationary templates and 4 texts to choose from the First tooth, Second tooth, Just lost a tooth and All teeth!
Here are a few examples of packages include a personalized letter with a Tooth Fairy Seal and a Tooth Fairy Coin which is slightly larger than a toonie.
There is also a package that includes a personalized letter with seal, coin, a personalized pillow which is 7″x7″, a tattoo, toy, wand as well as a signed card.
There is a package available that includes a personalized letter with an official seal, coin, Tooth Fairy Box, tattoo, toy, wand and signed card!
If your child prefers the simpler stuff in life, then the first option would probably be a great fit. However, if your child gets excited over the bells and whistles, then the last option is likely the best fit to please and amaze your child.
Once your child is about to lose a tooth, the only thing you have to do is go on MessageFromTheToothFairy.ca , place the order, fill out some information such as your child’s name, and sex. All of the information you added will be placed on a letter along with a tooth fairy coin that features The Tooth Fairy or SuperTooth. You will have a choice of templates to choose from as well.
By the way, you can also create your own letters! Just send MessageFromTheToothFairy.ca that request, along with the text that you want to use, as well as letter template you want to be used, and they will gladly do this for you.
Be sure to go on the website, and take a look at some of the other packages that your kids will love. The company accepts Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, and the packages will be shipped between 2 to 4 days after ordering.
If you decide to cancel, you must do so right away before the order has been shipped and you will be refunded.
The next time your child is ready to lose a tooth, give them something unexpected that they will absolutely love!
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