Congratulations on a successful move! You and your family are starting a new chapter in a new house. Now, it’s time to bring the house up to speed.
Your home’s design and functionality will change over time, but you can personalize and update your space with simple steps starting now. Learn about these four ways to make your new house feel like home.
1. Get Organized
Now is the best time to get your home organized. As you unpack your boxes, follow a plan to keep rooms and space organized. Organized closets will help your family prepare for each day. And having a plan for your pantry will streamline meal prep and cooking. Organizing does more than just prevent chaos—the sooner you have things organized, the sooner you can dispel the transitional feeling of moving into a new house.
2. Get the Kids’ Input
The next way to make your new house feel like home is to involve your kids in some of the decision-making. This is a fun activity, and your kids will appreciate the opportunity to pitch in. Designing the kids’ bedrooms together will allow them to make some choices, such as specific wall colors or bedroom themes. But you can also get their feedback throughout the house, such as on furniture layout or decorative light fixtures.
3. Don’t Forget Your Yard
Changing your yard’s landscaping can make your house look and feel fresh and inviting. Changing flower beds, refreshing the grass, and replacing old landscaping with new designs give your yard a personal touch. You can do all or some of these changes on your own or hire a professional landscaper. Carefully consider who you hire as a landscape contractor, so you can get reliable service and a beautiful yard.
4. Recreate Special Elements From Your Former Home
Even if a new house is exciting, there are some things you and your family loved about your former home. Maybe it was a wall covered in family photos. Maybe it was where you marked your kids’ heights over time. Or maybe it was a special piece of furniture that beckoned you to relax and have fun.
Just because you’re in a new space doesn’t mean you need to reinvent the way you live. If it’s possible to bring in former favorites, do it! These special elements might have to adapt to a new environment, but they will make the space feel like a better fit instantly.
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