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A clog in your home’s drain can be a significant annoyance, and it can also lead to some severe problems if left unchecked. It can make it challenging to use your sink, shower, and toilet, and it can also lead to water damage in your home.

Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to help prevent drain clogging in your home and keep your drains flowing freely.

Drain Strainer

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent drain clogging is to use a drain strainer. A drain strainer is a small mesh screen that fits over your drain. It catches hair, soap scum, and other small debris before it has a chance to enter your pipes and cause a clog.

You can find drain strainers at most hardware stores, and they are easy to install. Place the strainer over your drain and secure it in place. Then, when you use your sink, shower, or tub, remove the strainer and empty it into the trash.

Clear Debris Regularly

Another way to prevent drain clogging is to clear away any debris collected around your drains. This debris includes hair, soap scum, and anything else that can clog your drains.

You can use a plunger or a plumber’s snake to remove any debris that has formed. Insert the plunger or snake into the drain and push it through until you feel resistance. Then, pull it out and dispose of the debris.

Use Boiling Water

If you notice that your drains are starting to slow down, you can use boiling water to help clear them out. Pour a pot of boiling water down your drain and let it sit for a few minutes.

After a few minutes, flush your drain with cold water to help remove any remaining debris.


If you notice a clog or your drains are slow, you can use hydro-jetting to help. Hydro-jetting is when high-pressure water clears out clogged drains.

A professional plumber will insert a hose into your drain and turn on the water. The high-pressure water will break up any clogs and flush away any debris.

Hydro-jetting is a safe and effective way to clear out clogged drains, and it can also help prevent future clogs.

Avoid Using Chemicals

Many products on the market claim to clear clogged drains, but most of these products are harsh chemicals that can damage your pipes. Instead of using these chemicals, try one of the other methods listed above.

If you use chemicals to clear your drain, you’ll have a temporarily clear drain that is more likely to clog again. Not to mention, the chemicals can be toxic and dangerous to you and your family.

Keeping your drains clean and clear doesn’t have to be complicated. Just follow these simple tips, and you can prevent drain clogging in your home.

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