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We live in a culture that embraces hard work and having it all. We want to climb the career ladder and be good parents. While this sounds great in theory, balancing work and parenthood is a challenge that can be overwhelming for both new and experienced parents.

While there’s no magic trick to help you balance conflicting responsibilities, working parents have options. Actions like finding the right job, reducing the workload at home, and setting boundaries at work can help.

Find the Right Job

A recent survey found that 20% of respondents have jobs that provide childcare services such as childcare or early childhood education services. In the same survey, 25% of respondents said work-life balance is a top priority when looking for a new job.

Working from home can save time traveling throughout the day and checking in with their kids for busy parents who struggle to keep up with their schedules. If your employer doesn’t offer these benefits, someone else will. Keep your eyes and ears open for remote or hybrid work opportunities.

When you decide it’s time to start looking for a new job, look for a position at a company that offers childcare facilities or benefits to help, you support your family. These companies exist – 43% of employees say their jobs offer decent and flexible working conditions for parents. Great positions are out there for working parents! Various attractive positions are available, from marketing manager to department and division manager jobs.

Manage your work habits

Whether you work from home or in an office, maintaining healthy boundaries between work and personal life can be difficult. Here are some tips:

  • Schedule downtime for work and devices: when it’s time to turn off your computer and phone, turn it off! Setting a deadline can make it easier to focus on what’s happening at home.
  • When working from home, create a dedicated office space: This can help you set boundaries and draw a clear line between your home and work life.
  • Get help from a spouse or partner during the workday: Work with your spouse or partner to share the responsibilities of caring for your children. However, keep in mind that your partner may also have work commitments.

Reduce Workload at Home

Running a household is not easy when you work full-time. The more house chores you do on your own, the less time you’ll be able to spend with your children and family. Reducing house chores can make it easier to balance work and personal life.

  • Use an online delivery service to have your supplies delivered to your home: this can reduce time spent running errands and give you more time to spend with your family.
  • Work with your spouse—and the children—in dividing tasks and responsibilities: Get your children to start doing chores, even if they can only help with small things. This way, they can get into the habit of helping around the house from an early age.
  • Keep your kids busy outside the home: Use after-school programs and exercise to keep the kids active and entertained while you work.
  • Make meals easy: If financially possible, have food delivered to your door via a meal kit or home delivery service.

Lastly, try to schedule at least one weekend just for family activities. Of course, your work phone shouldn’t be distracting during this time, and hopefully, you shouldn’t be doing your household chores either. This should be quality time for you and your children.

It Can Be Done

Parenting is hard enough, but working at the same time can make it even more difficult. Finding the right job and the right mix of work and life can help you have a good career and be a committed parent.

AUTHOR BIO: Nicole Marie is Senior Content Executive at Michael Page, an international recruiting firm. Before joining the recruitment industry, she worked in media and journalism. She now covers employment trends and insights in a variety of industries such as construction, technology and marketing.

This infographic was created by Michael Page, a recruitment agency for marketing professional jobs

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