10 Ways To Improve Your Backyard

10 Ways To Improve Your Backyard

Your home’s backyard can be more than just a blank patch of grass — it can be a blank canvas where you can paint a masterpiece. There’s so much untapped potential just outside the walls of your home, and all it takes to realize that potential is the right idea....
Gardening for Kids

Gardening for Kids

“If you wish to have a better world, educate the Kids properly for gardening.” This is an anonymous quote, but has significance of “wealth in millions”. Gardening for kids is before you with this purpose. To let you know what are essentials of...
Finally Nearing the End

Finally Nearing the End

Of course the basement is still in progress however, we are finally nearing the end. These contractors are having to attend 3 or 4 other projects simultaneously so it is no wonder the progress of the construction is very slow. However, now that we have the flooring...