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Between the stormy weather conditions and cold temperatures, the winter season can be tough on any home. It’s crucial to help prepare your home for the upcoming season with a few winterization techniques. Here is a checklist of home maintenance tasks to complete before winter arrives.

Prepare Your Heating and Cooling System

An HVAC breakdown is any homeowner’s worst nightmare when it comes to facing the winter weather. Your HVAC system controls your home’s heating and ventilation during the cold months. Getting your HVAC system ready for winter can be a more intensive process than you might think. It isn’t something you should try to DIY or take into your own hands. Call a contractor or technician for a professional HVAC inspection to ensure your family won’t have any heating issues once the temperatures start to drop.

Schedule a Chimney Cleaning

Chimney sweeping is another job that you shouldn’t take into your own hands. Not only is the process messy, but it also requires specific tools and knowledge. The easiest and most convenient way to ensure a clean chimney for the winter is to contact a professional chimney cleaning service. It’s best to schedule chimney cleaning and inspections annually, preferably before the winter season when you will be using it the most.

Inspect Home Insulation

Your HVAC system won’t be able to heat your home efficiently if warm air can escape through drafts and cracks. This time of year is a perfect opportunity to inspect your home’s insulation before turning on your home’s heating system. If you notice gaps or cracks around your home’s windows, doors, and attic or roof insulation, now is the time to address them. You can fill small gaps and cracks with DIY foams from your local hardware store. If you notice larger issues with insulation, contact an expert for a professional inspection and reapplication. Covering gaps and cracks will help keep your home warmer and prevent wasting money on escaping heat.

Check Your Roof

While inspecting your home’s insulation from the inside is important, it’s also crucial to inspect your home from the outside before winter. Pay special attention to your roof to check for signs of damage such as cracks, peeling shingles, and other issues. You should aim for a roof inspection at least once a year to check for signs of damage. These issues can cause water from melting snow to seep into your roof and create structural issues and mold growth. If you notice any signs of damage, contact a roof repair service as soon as possible to beat the snow.

Now that you know the proper home maintenance tasks to do before winter, you can thoroughly prepare your home for the upcoming season. Keep your family warm and comfortable by working on these winterization tasks ahead of the season.

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