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Let’s face it. Moms are always having to put their own needs and wants last. Their kids’ needs require plenty of attention, and moms have to tend to their needs before she can even consider fulfilling her own. As kids grow, as long as they don’t have significant special needs, they become more and more independent, and therefore, moms can begin to tend to their own needs again. They can take time away and see some of their friends, pursue their dreams, and get more sleep as their kids grow and become more mature and independent. 

What happens to these moms who end up consistently putting their needs at the backburner over and over again? Their mental health suffers. That is one of the main reasons that moms of kids with significant special needs often fall victim to depression. They neglect their needs in addition to the day to day stresses that they face. These kids often require life care, which means these moms will care for them even as adults. That is unless they can transition them into group homes when they are teens. 

Either way, you can see how easy it is for mothers’ mental health to decline due to always having to meet the demands of motherhood. When these moms keep neglecting their wants and needs, that is a recipe for a mental health disaster. Even though delaying gratification is part of motherhood, that does not mean that moms can afford to keep putting their needs last.

That is why mothers need to take the time to monitor their wellbeing. That is why there are the wellness and happiness app, Lyftly, available for download on both Google Play and iOS, and it is free. 

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What Is Lyftly?

Lyftly is a happiness and wellness app that college students use; however, anyone can make excellent use of it. That includes moms. Moms would be able to make the most of this app to keep tabs on their emotional wellness. The app provides useful tools that help moms manage their mental and emotional state’s ups and downs. It also offers programs and suggestions to help them cope with stress as motherhood is full of so much of it. The only way to remain healthy in every way is to get a handle on stress. Lyftly also features coaches as well as peer support. 

You can also use Lyftly to post a new story, compose a personal journal, and chat with a peer. The only issue that moms may find is that if many college students have never had kids, they would not be able to relate to them. However, now is the time to let other moms know that Lyftly is there to help them manage their emotional and mental wellbeing. If plenty of moms download the app, then Lyftly will be made up of a large community of mothers so they can be there for one another. 


There is also an area within the app called Better Me, and it covers all areas that do affect mental health if any of them are out of sorts. You are encouraged to set goals in the following areas:

  • Your activity levels
  • Relaxation
  • Socialization
  • Facing new challenges
  • Finding ways to have fun
  • Having the ability to monitor emotions
  • Healthy eating
  • Inspiration
  • Understanding their identity, which means not to get lost in the ‘mom’ identity
  • Self-esteem building 


If you click on any of the life areas you want to focus on heavily, it will guide you towards methods you can utilize to reach your goals. For instance, if you’re going to improve your eating, you will want to click on the Healthy Eating tab. You will see tips for improving your food intake, such as giving reminders to eat salads, drink from six to eight glasses of water, and eat healthier alternatives. It even reminds you to indulge in a cheat meal once in a while. Moms are often on the go, and eating healthy is the last thing they ever want to imagine. However, there are ways to make it possible, and if mom is not getting proper nutrition, that will negatively affect her emotional and mental health. 


The fact of the matter is that moms that don’t take care of themselves will end up suffering from poor mental and emotional health. If they suffer from poor emotional and mental health, they won’t properly care for their kids. Moms need to remember that meeting their needs are just as important as meeting their kids’ kids. If mom is not happy, then no one will be happy, especially the kids. Moms will do themselves so much good if they download the Lyftly app!


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