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The truth is, the pandemic is definitely causing more challenges to happen among parents as it is leaving them more exhausted and eventually burned out. However, I will add something. When it comes to special needs parenting, the isolation is similar to the way it is felt among parents of typical kids during this stressful time. I mean, how can I know what they are feeling. 

I don’t know but I can easily put myself into their shoes and I can imagine the stress they are feeling. Having to juggle work while the kids are virtually learning at home and you have to help them out with their work. In addition to that, you have other housework and other responsibilities to tackle such as paying your bills, and ordering groceries if you are able to do so.

Or you may have to actually run to the grocery store and take your kids with you. And that means having to put the mask on your kids and yourself and making sure that the kids don’t touch things and then put their hands into their mouths. It is very stressful. And I cannot imagine how parents of kids with special needs are coping during this difficult time. 

Because schools in most places are open, parents likely have had to send their kids with special needs to school for many reasons. The kids will do better when they are in an in-person setting. Secondly, it does give the very stressed out parents a break. And parents that have kids with special needs require a lot of respite as these kids do take a lot out of you. Either way, pandemic parenting is tough!!! This is not the time for judgment.  

Experts say that parenting was never meant to be this lonely and challenging. Throughout history, parents counted on the support of families and communities to raise their children. The coronavirus pandemic has pulled that rug from under us, leaving parents to basically fend for themselves while often juggling a professional workload as well.

According to The New York Times, parents have “never, ever raised children in isolated nuclear units the way they have been doing for much of 2020, with little or no hands-on family or community support,” writes Jessica Grose, in an opinion piece. Anthropologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy called supporters “alloparents,” and wrote “shared child care may be the secret to evolutionary success.”

Grose points out that many parents are struggling to hold on to their jobs, worrying that caring for their children may force them to quit. According to the Times, 80% of the 1.1 million workers who dropped out of the job force last month were women.

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