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To make sure your inspection goes smoothly, you must first ask, “What do you need to inspect before buying a home?”

General Inspection

Every home buying process starts with a standard inspection. The inspector will look for any structural damage, mold, or other causes for concern that could make the home not worth the purchase cost. A general inspector will typically look into all of the following aspects of a house:

  • Attic space
  • Appliances
  • Basement
  • Decks, porches, and balconies
  • Electrical system: panel, switches, outlets, wiring
  • Exterior doors
  • Exterior stucco or paint
  • Foundation
  • Garage
  • HVAC system and thermostats
  • Plumbing fixtures, faucets, and water heater
  • Stairs, steps, and railings
  • Rain gutters and downspouts
  • Roof
  • Walkways and driveways
  • Walls, ceilings, and floors

Make sure you speak with potential inspectors to get a compressive list of the services they offer. That way, you can find a contractor that can adequately check all facets of a property. Organizations like the American Society for Home Inspectors will help put you in touch will a qualified candidate if you’re having trouble finding one in your area.

You must have a thorough inspection done because there have been cases where homeowners will buy a home; then, during the renovation, they’ll rip up the carpet and find massive cracks running throughout the foundation. You don’t want to see unforeseen costly repairs right after making a purchase as monumental as buying a home.

Radon Testing

Depending on your state, the requirements for radon testing can vary. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, so you’ll want to know that it isn’t floating around in your home’s air. A radon test will identify any toxic air, so you can decide what the best course of action is.

Pests and Insects Inspection

Even if your general inspector doesn’t include this service, you should have your home inspected for pests and insects. Dealing with the occasional rodent or bug in your home might happen from time to time, but you don’t want to invest in a home will an established or budding infestation. An experienced exterminator will notice nuances of pest invasion that a general inspector might not see. So you can rest assured that you don’t buy a house with residents that have already moved in.

Now that you know what you need to inspect before buying a home, you can find the right team of inspectors to ensure that the investment you’re making is a wise one.

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