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There are several reasons why photography is a good side hustle for busy parents, even if you have a full-time job or a stay-at-home parent. Whether you need to save money for your children’s’ education or build emergency funds, getting into photography can secure extra income and manage your growing household. 

5 Reasons Why Photography Is a Good Side Hustle for Busy Parents

The ability to practice photography in your free time, grow your connections, monetize your passion, gain new skills, and produce quality images are some of the reasons why photography is a good side hustle for busy parents. Go on and see how getting into the photography business is ideal for the lifestyle of busy parents. 

Grow Your Network and Connections

Photography is a business that mostly requires directly dealing with people. As you offer photography services, sell prints, or share pictures on the internet, more people can see your work and become your customers.  

Likewise, you can upload pictures on your social media accounts regularly and use that as a portfolio to market your services. Your friends, family, or and followers can become potential clients. If not, they may serve as connections to refer you to more people and get clients.  

Monetize Your Skills 

Do you love photographing your children as they sleep or play? Perhaps you tend to become the unofficial family photographer during occasions. Eventually, your fellow parents or friends ask how you take the best photos of your kids

Why not share your talents while getting paid at the same time? When you notice you’re good at a certain niche of photography, you can focus on that field and become an expert. Clients become more invested in goods and services when they know that a trained or experienced person does the job.

Branch Out to Other Freelancing Jobs

While you may start as a photographer, there may be circumstances when your life as a parent won’t let you do the job. Can’t go out to shoot landscape photos? Try selling your stock photos online. 

Maybe you want to take a break from taking pictures while still working on a photography project. Create a blog where you can post informative articles or product reviews that can help other photographers. 

Another option is to upload video tutorials on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. Aside from growing your audience, you would also earn on the side. 

Learn New Skills

As you accept bookings and complete photoshoots, you would notice how photography isn’t all about taking photos. You would learn a range of skills that can help grow your side hustle. 

Basic photo retouching is one of the first few things you would learn. Over time, you may also get a grasp of layouting photo albums or graphic designing. 

Besides technical aspects, you would discover valuable communication and organization techniques you can apply in your life as parents. From developing client quotations, answering queries, and managing finances, you would gain a holistic learning experience. 

Time Freedom and Flexibility

About 80% of American parents consider work-life balance as the main reason why they want flexible work. It can sometimes be frustrating thinking about earning extra money when you’re busy doing chores, taking care of your kids, and keeping an office job. 

That’s the beauty of a side hustle. Unlike a part-time job, which would normally require a boss or longer work hours, a side hustle provides you the freedom to decide how much you want to work and earn. 

Side hustles don’t have to feel like a full-time job. Rather, they serve as an opportunity to enjoy doing your hobby or passion, all while maximizing your time and money. 


While photography requires time, skills, and energy, getting into the business is a great way to boost your family’s monthly income, and consequently, save for future expenses.

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