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Image by u_jup1hbno from Pixabay

Across the U.S., people are feeling the pinch of inflation. From soaring prices at the grocery store to natural gas prices at home, the cost of living has steadily risen and is projected to continue. Homeowners can find some relief by making simple and innovative home modifications. Below, we’ll review a few examples to help get you started.

According to the Energy Information Administration, just heating your home with electricity could cost you 10% more this year. Add that to everything else, and the expense of running a home can quickly get out of hand. Fortunately, there are ways to improve energy usage and minimize energy waste throughout your home.

Switching to Energy Star appliances and devices is a great place to start. Ranging from super-efficient LED lightbulbs to HVAC equipment, Energy Star-certified products can help Americans save big on utility bills while reducing their home’s carbon footprint. Although replacing every appliance at once is hardly feasible, you could take on one upgrade at a time and still make a noticeable difference. 

For instance, swapping out an eight-year-old refrigerator with a new Energy Star model could save $110 a year or more in electricity. What’s more, these energy-efficient modernizations may qualify you for a Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit for further savings.

Another example of an upgrade that could really pay off are solar panels. Rooftop panel systems are becoming more and more affordable with state and federal tax incentives to help support the switch to solar energy. On top of enhancing your control over electricity bills and lowering your carbon emissions, these innovative systems may even yield a return through a local net energy metering (NEM) program. Such programs allow residents to earn credits on their energy bills for excess electricity produced and sent to the grid from their system.

Smaller changes can still have a considerable impact. You could invest in a programmable smart thermostat, which helps household members control temperature changes for optimal energy conservation via auto scheduling. There’s also smart switches with motion sensors to help prevent wasted electricity from left-on lights. Lastly, there are Energy Star-labeled ceiling fans that are up to 60% more efficient than conventional units.

These modifications merely scratch the surface of what’s on the market. Please see the accompanying resource for additional ways to help lower your energy bills.


Infographic Provided By Solar Panel Installation Company, Sunburst Solar

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