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How To Make The Perfect Smoothie

If you have a busy lifestyle, making smoothies for your kids is something of a no-brainer. These thick and creamy drinks provide a fast, easy meal option with a texture akin to ice cream: What’s not to love?

That said, there are almost endless smoothie possibilities. In fact, there are so many options, figuring out what to put in a particular drink can be overwhelming. Some people prefer certain fruits, and others recommend veggies. Add-in options include everything from nuts and seeds to protein powders and nutritional supplements.

Ready for some fresh and foolproof inspiration? Whether you’re brand-new to the idea of smoothie-making or you’re an old pro, here are six tips to make the perfect smoothie at home.

  1. Use frozen fruit to get that signature thickness. Here’s an insider tip: Cold and creamy smoothies rely on frozen fruit. This is especially true of bananas, which are the secret weapon to the thickest and most slurp-worthy drinks. Build your smoothie on a foundation of frozen fruit to create winning concoctions. Try using a variety of frozen fruits and vegetables to see how the texture changes.

  2. Use liquids to thin the blend. While the creamy texture is great, it’s easy to go overboard with the frozen components and wind up with a smoothie bowl rather than a drink. While there’s no shame in eating your smoothie with a spoon, another option is to thin the texture with milk, juice, coconut water, or water.

  3. Start with baby greens for veggie add-ins. If you’re interested in packing a nutritional punch in your smoothies but worried your kids will hate it, start small. Rather than throwing in mature and bitter greens, add in some baby spinach or other baby green leaves. These varieties are typically milder and easier to hide among other smoothie components. At the same time, they boost the vitamins and nutrients of your beverage.

  4. Up the protein with Greek yogurt. One of the easiest ways to make a smoothie more filling is with protein. Just a cup of protein-packed Greek yogurt can give you 24 grams. Bonus: Using yogurt in a smoothie is another way to create that creamy texture.

  5. Incorporate plant-based fat. Several plant-based fats — such as nuts, nut butter, seeds, and avocados — work beautifully in smoothies. While these ingredients will increase the calorie count, several offer the heart-protective benefits of omega-3 fatty acids or monounsaturated fats.

  6. Add volume and chill with ice. Last but not least, ice is a must for classic smoothies. Throwing in a handful not only increases your smoothie volume but also offers the pleasure of icy texture in your drink. Plus, there’s the added bonus that large, cold smoothies take time to drink, prolonging your kids’ enjoyment and slowing them down for a bit.

The next time you’re making a smoothie, keep the above tips in mind. You’re sure to create a drink you and your kids will love! If you know what to do when a smoothie’s too thick or thin, you can easily adjust to get a result that works for you.

If you’re still stumped, you might mix a cup of frozen fruit with 3/4 cup of liquid, a cup of baby greens, and ice cubes to finish. Alternatively, go heavy on the Greek yogurt, combining a five-ounce container with a cup of frozen fruit, a tablespoon of nut butter, and enough milk to get a texture you like. The bottom line is to think about flavors that you and your kids love and use the principles above to create your own formula. Have fun experimenting!

AUTHOR BIO: Stacee McGovern is Brand Marketing Manager for MadeWith Foods — a brand of exciting, high-quality, and often innovated food products that cover key categories within a retailer’s mix of products. McGovern spends her time focusing on brand leadership, cross-functional team communication, and creativity.

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