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Many times, a new mom-to-be will overpack her hospital bag and bring along items that aren’t important. Avoid this mistake when it’s time to give birth, and use our checklist to ensure you’re putting essential items in your bag that can help during labor and delivery. If you’re working on a budget when purchasing supplies, understand what you can buy as used baby items and what you cannot, so you don’t pack anything you shouldn’t.

Mom’s Personal Items

To remain as comfortable as possible throughout labor, pack personal items that bring your home to your hospital room. A huge component of this preparation process is including postpartum supplies like sanitary pads and underwear. Aside from clothes, have items like your morning essentials and a phone charger to keep your device at full battery so you can communicate with family and friends. Items to bring include:

  • Pajamas or comfortable delivery clothes
  • Going home outfit
  • Postpartum underwear
  • Sanitary pads
  • Nursing bra
  • Toiletries
  • Phone charger

Baby’s Personal Items

When packing things for your baby, you may need less than you initially thought. If you are unsure about an item, speak with your doctor beforehand to prepare for when the day comes—the hospital will provide a lot of things, like diapers and bottles. Eliminate the “going home” stress and install the car seat now, so it’s not a hassle when you’re ready to leave. Pack your bag with the following items:

  • Receiving blanket
  • Bodysuit
  • Going home outfit
  • Socks/booties

Important Documents & Labor Items

Lastly, you cannot forget important documentation and items to keep you entertained and comfortable during delivery. It’s always handy to have your doctor’s name and phone number on hand just in case of an emergency or if you end up at a different hospital. Bring along comfort items from home to distract and entertain yourself—you never know how long your labor and delivery will take. These items may include:

  • ID cards
  • Doctor’s name and phone number
  • Hospital paperwork (if applicable)
  • Books, magazines, and other forms of media
  • Music
  • Comfort items
  • Journal to write in

When you’re a new mom-to-be, put items in your hospital bag in advance, so you’re not scrambling around the day of. Saving this for the last minute will only add to your stress, but you’re already halfway there with this checklist!

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