There is absolutely no doubt that parenting is the toughest job in the world, that is unless you make a living by cleaning out septic tanks- however, at least you are being paid for that job. Not to mention, being a parent involves plenty of cleaning out gross stuff, while you are also driving all of the time, and constantly making meals, and helping out with homework. And that is just a fraction of what being a parent is about. Let’s just say that it is safe to say that parenthood is a job that keeps you busy, and these one-liners sum up the life of a busy parent:
- You are a busy parent if you constantly wear clothing that is old, dirty, and has spit up or old puke stains.
- You are a busy parent if you eat cereal for dinner after cooking up just enough food for your kids and partner.
- You are a busy parent if you have forgotten to shower because your kids needed baths. (and bathing your kids takes a lot longer than it should because of how it becomes a power struggle)
- You are a busy parent if you can function well after getting only 6 hours of broken sleep.
- You are a busy parent if you are humming the Dora the Explorer song while you are cleaning the kitchen.
- You are a busy parent if you are showing for a short time for one moment and having to clean up poop the next.
- You are a busy parent if you had forgotten to pay your utility bill because you had to deal with a screaming kid all day on the day it was due.
- You are a busy parent if you don’t get grossed out by vomit, poop, snot, or pee.
- You are a busy parent if you call the dog the same name as one of your kids.
- You are a busy parent if you use the same name to call all of your kids, whether you have 3, 4, or more of them.
- You are a busy parent if you only had time to eat a chocolate bar for lunch.
- You are a busy parent if your definition of gourmet cooking is making a readymade mac and cheese dinner.
- You are a busy parent if you are drinking coffee at 8 pm because you still have so much work to do after the kids go to bed.
- You are a busy parent if you forget what you did 5 minutes ago.
- You are a busy parent if you are seeing images of the Teletubbies right before you go to sleep.
- You are a busy parent when you carry on with your day to the kids get their needs met no matter how sick you are.
- You are a busy parent if you use your sock to clean up a spill that happened in the kitchen.
- You are a busy parent if you leave the house without brushing your hair in the morning.
- You are a busy parent if most of the apps on your smartphone are meant for your kids.
- You are a busy parent if you have expiring food in the fridge because you had forgotten about it.
- You are a busy parent if you confuse one appointment with another, and get the times wrong.
- You are a busy parent if you forgot what day of the week it is.
- You are a busy parent if you constantly have 3 loads of laundry to do.
- You are a busy parent if you consider having 5 minutes in the bathroom to yourself as the luxurious ME time that you desperately need.
- You are a busy parent if you are an expert multitasker.
- You are a busy parent when picking up toys from the floor becomes an involuntary reflex.
- You are a busy parent when all you have been doing is picking your kids up, picking up after your kids, and wondering why your arms are so sore.
- You are a busy parent when you surprisingly discover that you are more patient than you give yourself credit for.
- You are a busy parent when you are constantly yelling behind a closed bathroom door.
- You are a busy parent when you are traveling from room to room to only clean up toys and junk from your kids.
- You are a busy parent when you are not phased by the fact that your fingers smell like poop.
- You are a busy parent if you consider running errands while the kids are at school a vacation.
- You are a busy parent if you have become an expert in unclogging toilets that you could consider yourself as a plumber.
- You are a busy parent when you realize that you are somewhat insane and accept that reality.
- You are a busy parent if you describe your life as being trapped between screams and a hug.
- You are a busy parent if you had made the painful discovery that your much-needed coffee was accidentally put into the freezer.
- You are a busy parent if you had become the expert barf catcher.
- You are a busy parent if you had forgotten what the latest fashion trends are because you had not purchased clothing of your own since you had last purchased maternity clothes.
- You are a busy parent if a walk to the park by yourself, while the kids are at school, is considered to be as a luxurious vacation.
- You are a busy parent if you hadn’t seen your friends since your oldest child was a baby and only correspond with them through Facebook.
- You are a busy parent if you had forgotten which child needs to go to baseball practice, and which child needs to go to hockey practice.
- You are a busy parent if the only social life you have is talking to your children’s teachers face to face.
- You are a busy parent if your kids are spewing profanity because of not hearing their classmates use it, but because you keep using it even in their presence without realizing it.
- You are a busy parent if the smell of spoiled milk no longer phases you.
- You are a busy parent if being woken up in the night is expected.
- You are a busy parent when you really don’t care what others think of you anymore.
- You are a busy parent when you can’t think of anything else to talk about other than parenting.
- You are a busy parent if you are constantly craving junk food because you work so hard all of the time and deserve it.
- You are a busy parent when you don’t consider going to the pediatrician or even the hospital as a stressful event anymore because you are used to it.
- You are a busy parent when you are constantly having to buy new clothes because your kids keep outgrowing them every other week, so it seems.
- You are a busy parent if you find yourself using baby talk when you talk to a friend or to the cashier at the grocery store.
- You are a busy parent if you constantly have to struggle to unlock your cabinets several times a day because of the fact that they are sealed with childproof locks.
- You are a busy parent if you are not gaining weight after eating junk food because you are constantly on your feet working out without even realizing it. But you will be delighted to know that lifting your kids, running after them, and cleaning up after them burns a whole lot of calories.
If these one-liners resonate with you, then congratulations. You are officially a busy parent. Continue to enjoy the journey because it will never end. It will only change as your kids get older.
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