Teaching Strategies For Different Learning Styles – Intro
Today's teachers understand that every student is an individual, and therefore, they have to personalize the learning experience for all students in their classroom. Educational experts have long known that there are seven distinct learning styles, but teachers are...
The Organization Diet: Cut The Clutter And Improve Your Life
Cutting clutter does more than help your home look more organized; it also improves your life! Think about it: Clear spaces encourage clear thinking. They make it easy to find what you need when you need it. They save you the unnecessary stress (and accompanying...
The Chore Of Keeping A Kitchen Clean
Home, sweet home. While many of us love being there, the fact is, keeping a house clean takes work. We’re not even referring to deep-level spring cleaning, but the day-to-day chores of picking up after yourself and others, keeping up with clutter, and staying on top...
Creating A Pet-Friendly Living Space
Sharing your living space with a pet can bring you many hours of companionship and joy. Especially if you live in an apartment, a dog or cat can help you feel less alone. Although they won’t chip in for the rent or utilities, pets are some of the best roommates you...
Pet Tech: Gadgets To Help Improve Your Pets’ Lives
Gone are the days when the pet products in your home only included a food bowl, a leash, a cage, and a tennis ball or mouse on a stick. Pet technology — commonly referred to as “pettech” — is a phenomenon that joins artificial intelligence and veterinary equipment to...
Five Gruesome Origins Of Your Favorite Nursery Rhyme
Nursery rhymes. We have all heard them as children, and we liked them because they are so catchy. Though if our much-younger selves knew the meanings behind nursery rhymes, then they would have scared the living shit out of us. It is best that we were sheltered from the origins of nursery rhymes. Let’s now unravel the meanings behind five gruesome nursery rhymes!
Dog Medical Emergency Guide: Are You Prepared?
In times of a medical emergency, it’s critical to know how to respond. This applies to both humans and pets. Dogs can have allergic reactions, cardiac issues, get into poisonous materials, and much more. Giving your furry friend a forever home means you’ll be expected...
Home Downsizing 101
Is bigger always better? It’s long been the wisdom in American that bigger is better, but lately, many people have been rethinking that notion when it comes to their home. Owning a large home can be tolling at times. They require more work and upkeep, keeping our...
How To Make Caramel Dipping Sauce
If there’s anything your kids will love better than a big snack plate, it’s a big snack plate with homemade caramel dipping sauce on the side. Think about it: Dips are perfect kid food. They turn typical eats into fun activities. While children may usually enjoy...
What Are The Top Germ Hotspots In Schools?
Whether you’re a parent or teacher, keeping children healthy can be a challenge when they’re in school. Educational institutions are hot zones for germs and common illnesses such as the cold and flu, which can spread quickly among kids when they’re in close contact...
Is It Safe For Kids To Play In The Cold? Four Reasons Why It’s Ok To Get Chilly
Ah, winter – the time for longer nights, cooler weather, and less outdoor recreation for kids. Yes, teachers may find themselves keeping the kids inside during playtime because of poor weather or fear of illness, but there are many benefits to outdoor play –...
Winter Activities To Keep The Kids Busy
Well, winter is most definitely here – it’s raining a lot, the temperatures have plummeted, and the wellies are out in full force. What’s making it so much worse is the Coronavirus Lockdown. It really limits what you can do, but there are actually loads of outdoor...
How to Build the World’s Best Blanket Fort – Cozy Fun for Wintery Days
Fort building at home is not something we do much of as adults. Whether we don’t have the time or energy or the means to make them, we’re more likely to hunker down on the sofa wrapped in our duvets and loungewear. But when we were kids, it was a whole different...
How to Stay Hydrated in Winter – Tips for When the Weather Gets Wicked
Just because the temperature has got five times colder and the weather has turned wet, that doesn’t mean we should stop consuming the NHS-recommended amounts of drinking water each day. Dehydration is a year-round concern, so we’re going to debunk some myths and give...
How to Sleep Well During Winter – Top Tips for a Cozy Night
We’re not sure about you, but we find that the longer nights and colder weather makes us want to hibernate. To snuggle down and spend long mornings cozy in our duvets. But that doesn’t mean we sleep well, or sleep more. It’s a hard fact that in wintertime there is...
Why Parents Should (And Should Not) Take Astrology And Horoscopes So Seriously
What aspiring parents who are into astrology often plan the conception times that will increase the birth of their babies, happening at the best times for them. For instance, if a fire-sign couple who have their sun signs in either Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius want to...
5 Backyard Date Ideas For Tired Parents To Help Keep Their Marriage Strong
Parenting is demanding, especially during the age of COVID-19, and whether or not the parents can send their kids to school while they work or manage the home - does not remove the stress much. To make matters worse, babysitters will not be available due to the...
Nothing’s Open & It’s Raining: Fun Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained Inside
Well, we’re all stuck inside again thanks to the Coronavirus Lockdown and the lockdown restrictions. However, this time we don’t have nice weather for long walks and outdoor fun. It limits the ways we can keep our kids occupied, but there are activities that appeal to...
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