Reasons Why Your Bundle of Joy Is Cranky

Reasons Why Your Bundle of Joy Is Cranky

In the early months of your child’s life, you will experience many highs. You’ll be there for their first belly laugh, holiday celebrations, and all their world discoveries. Meanwhile, some lows in your child’s life can impact their growing period. As babies learn to...

What To Know About Cold Weather and Dogs

What To Know About Cold Weather and Dogs

It’s easy to assume that because your family dog has a fur coat, they don’t feel the winter chill like you do. However, that’s not true for most breeds. Dogs can get cold just like people do—they can even get hypothermia and frostbite. Discover what you need to know...

Making a Difference in the Life of a Rescue Pet

Making a Difference in the Life of a Rescue Pet

Written by Kara Venus. You know that one-of-a-kind feeling when you’ve done a good deed? It might be as simple as opening the door for an elderly person or as complicated as stopping at the scene of an accident. You may not be an EMT, but you can call 911. You can...

5 Ways To Achieve a Timeless Style at Home

5 Ways To Achieve a Timeless Style at Home

Your home reflects your personality, and every detail inside your home counts toward something bigger. Current trends tell you to constantly update and transform your space to keep your home looking modern and contemporary, but you can always choose what suits you...

How to Properly Match Jewelry with Your Outfits

How to Properly Match Jewelry with Your Outfits

When you're wearing a beautiful piece of jewelry, it's tempting to want to wear it with every outfit. However, if you want your jewelry to make the most impact possible, you need to be thoughtful about how to match it with your outfits. The key is finding pieces that...

Things To Remember When Your Toddler Starts Walking

Things To Remember When Your Toddler Starts Walking

Walking is an exciting milestone for a child to achieve, even if they don’t fully know it yet. Due to their new mobility, a new walker’s parents must be prepared to support their mobility in a safe, fun way. Consult these primary things to remember when your toddler...

Expressive Mom – Giving Moms a Voice


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