PCOS Is Not Only Damaging To Fertility In Women
For so many years polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS has been a major cause for hardship for 1 in 10 women. It is a condition that is characterized by too much testosterone being released which causes excessive hair growth on the face, arms, fingers, toes, or backs...
5 Self-Care Tips For New Moms That Are Not Often Talked About
When it comes to brand new moms utilizing self-care tips, you usually hear about tips that involve sleeping when the baby sleeps, delegating tasks, or finding time to read a relaxing book while taking a bath. Self-Care Tips For New Moms However, there are some...
The Truth About How Parenting A Child With Special Needs Affects Mental Health
When you are pregnant you are looking forward to the birth of your child and you and your partner will have visions about how he or she will grow up. You will imagine the milestones that the child will hit, as well as the type of friends that your child will have, and...
One And Done: If Your Only Child Has Profound Special Needs, Have You Fully Envisioned Your Future?
You were looking forward to having a family of four of five, or three kids, but things did not work out that way. You often hear of parents being one and done due to the fact that there were pregnancy or postpartum complications involved.
For instance, if you had a severe case of pre-eclampsia during your pregnancy to the point that it almost killed you and your baby, you would be scared to get pregnant the second time.
Or if your postpartum depression turned into psychosis, you would be afraid to risk it again. Perhaps financially you could not afford to have more kids. The reasons are endless.
The Painful Truth About Parenting Burnout
Parenting burnout is a huge problem among so many parents of young children and parents of kids with special needs regardless of their age. And when it comes to times such as what we are dealing with now in regards to Covid, parents will become even more burned out of kids that are at an age or at a developmental stage of being quite dependant.
What Really Is The Biggest Complication Of Motherhood?
Moms everywhere need a lot of support and advice that go from self-care tips to pregnancy, labor, and delivery, age-appropriate toys for infants and toddlers, feeding picky eaters, and the list goes on! Let’s talk about finding balance in motherhood.
Parenting 101: 5 Crafts For Kids To Do While At Home
Since you are stuck at home due to the current circumstances, you can do some fall crafts with your kids to make your pandemic parenting a little easier. And even if there was no pandemic, these fall crafts are fun while the kids are still young regardless of the year...
7 Self-Care Tips That Moms Must Utilize As Often As Possible
Moms and self-care. This is a foreign concept to mothers of young children, new moms, and moms of special needs kids or adults. They are too busy caring for their babies and are neglecting their own basic needs. That is the worst possible thing that any mom can do...
I’m Parenting an Anxious Child During the Pandemic and I’m Overwhelmed—Please Help
Parenting during the pandemic is one of the most stressful times to be a parent, especially for young kids and teens are having it rough as well. Kids with special needs are having it rough, and their parents are feeling like they are losing it. I hate the term...
How Do You Survive Pandemic Parenting? Lowered Expectations And Self-Compassion
There is absolutely no question that this pandemic has turned the lives of parents upside down. Pandemic parenting is what moms and dads everywhere must utilize since there is no other choice until COVID-19 is no longer a threat. What can you do as a parent to make...
Stop Social Media Taking Over Parenting
Here is the thing. Yes, it is a known fact that teachers often go out of their way for kids and you have to have the patience of a saint in order to be around kids for six hours a day. Especially if you have to deal with over 20 of them in a classroom. But respect...
8 New Parenting Hacks to Try This Month for a Happy Family
Dear moms and dads: After months of homeschooling, social distancing and canceled activities, you deserve a medal. Seriously, bravo. But while napping for the rest of the year probably sounds like fun to you, your kids are just getting started. (And now, watching...
From ‘Kids On Speed’ To Bad Parenting: The 5 Biggest Myths About Children With ADHD.
I was diagnosed with ADHD later in life but school was such a struggle for me. I couldn't stop getting distracted, I couldn't pay attention for very long. But I was told I was lazy and I should try harder. And well, I did try harder than most other students that...
Pandemic Isolation Makes Parenting Challenging
The truth is, the pandemic is definitely causing more challenges to happen among parents as it is leaving them more exhausted and eventually burned out. However, I will add something. When it comes to special needs parenting, the isolation is similar to the way it is...
Burnout, Chaos And Uncertainty: Parenting During The Pandemic
I have to say I am really counting my blessings right now as my daughter is 18 and is obviously self-sufficient and my son with special needs no longer lives at home. (hey I did my time!) I don't have the stress that these mothers are facing during the pandemic as...
Can New Fathers End Up Getting Postpartum Depression?
Is it possible for fathers to get postpartum depression or PPD? It is very common to hear mothers who had just given birth be at risk for PPD. This happens due to many reasons such as fluctuating hormones and recovering from bodily trauma which is giving birth. That...
How Can You Help your Pet Accept the New Baby?
When you find out that you are expecting, that alone will make you anxious and excited at the same time. However, if you are a pet owner, especially if you have a dog or cat- you will be even more anxious. Because you will not know how your pet will feel about the...
New Study Shows How Perfection And Anxiety Can Lead To Helicopter Parenting
It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that perfectionism and anxiety in parents will turn them into helicopter parents. They are anxious about their kids and at the same time, they will expect perfection from their kids. Therefore, that will definitely lead...
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