How To Keep Your Pets Safe In The Garden

How To Keep Your Pets Safe In The Garden

Gardening is a popular pastime for many. But sometimes you can be left wondering how to have a beautiful garden that is also safe for pets to roam around in. Some questions include – what products are safe? What plants should be avoided and which flowers are perfectly...

Here Is Why You Need Lemons If You Have A Pest Problem In Your Kitchen

Here Is Why You Need Lemons If You Have A Pest Problem In Your Kitchen

Do you have problems with roaches, ants, fleas, and other insects? If so, you are not alone. You may have tried so many methods to keep those pests away, but you find that they come around all of the time. You prefer not to get any toxic bug sprays and want to get rid of them naturally. Use lemons to help with that!

What Is The Best Day Of The Week To Go Grocery Shopping?

What Is The Best Day Of The Week To Go Grocery Shopping?

It is a known fact that the price of food is going up, which is a scary reality. If you compare the price of even a bag of chips now to what it cost five years ago, there is a difference. It may not be a significant difference, but several years from now, it will be. Therefore, the one thing you will want to do is save money when you go grocery shopping. 

What Is The Best Day Of The Week To Eat Out On A Budget?

What Is The Best Day Of The Week To Eat Out On A Budget?

Dine Out On A Budget You want to dine out when you are saving your money, and some of the best ways to do that are by clipping coupons and looking for deals on Groupon. You can also look for specials when it comes to saving money when you dine out. Plenty of...

10 Neat DIY Outdoor Lighting Ideas For You

10 Neat DIY Outdoor Lighting Ideas For You

You love spending time outdoors, whether it’s in your backyard or on your front porch. So whether you want to jazz up your backyard or front yard, you want to spice it up. Whether it’s for yourself or your guests, it needs to be appealing. You especially want to impress your guests with your property if you plan on having a summer barbecue. 

7 Savvy Tips For Saving Money On Home Items

7 Savvy Tips For Saving Money On Home Items

You will need to purchase new home items at some point as anything for the home will need to be replaced. That means eventually, that sofa in the den will need to be tossed away if it is too old, and you will need new mattresses, new bedroom furniture, and new...

How Your Shopping Choices Affect The Environment

How Your Shopping Choices Affect The Environment

Are you aware of the impact your shopping choices may have on the environment? Many people don’t realize the tremendous impact that agriculture and the production of food have on the environment, or that they can help lessen that impact with their purchasing...

The Appeal And Power Of Place-Based Learning

The Appeal And Power Of Place-Based Learning

Education trends may come and go, but place-based education has grown in importance in recent years. The idea behind place-based education is simple yet compelling: It uses the environment around you, and even the entire world, to learn. Place-based learning can take...

How To Make A Winning Smoothie That Your Kids Will Love

How To Make A Winning Smoothie That Your Kids Will Love

How To Make The Perfect Smoothie If you have a busy lifestyle, making smoothies for your kids is something of a no-brainer. These thick and creamy drinks provide a fast, easy meal option with a texture akin to ice cream: What’s not to love? That said, there are almost...

Expressive Mom – Giving Moms a Voice


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