Stop Social Media Taking Over Parenting

Stop Social Media Taking Over Parenting

Here is the thing. Yes, it is a known fact that teachers often go out of their way for kids and you have to have the patience of a saint in order to be around kids for six hours a day. Especially if you have to deal with over 20 of them in a classroom. But respect...

Pandemic Isolation Makes Parenting Challenging

Pandemic Isolation Makes Parenting Challenging

The truth is, the pandemic is definitely causing more challenges to happen among parents as it is leaving them more exhausted and eventually burned out. However, I will add something. When it comes to special needs parenting, the isolation is similar to the way it is...

How Can You Help your Pet Accept the New Baby?

How Can You Help your Pet Accept the New Baby?

When you find out that you are expecting, that alone will make you anxious and excited at the same time. However, if you are a pet owner, especially if you have a dog or cat- you will be even more anxious.  Because you will not know how your pet will feel about the...

7 Reasons Why Motherhood Is Scary

7 Reasons Why Motherhood Is Scary

No one can deny that being a mom is extremely rewarding and it has many joyful moments as kids are the life of mothers. However, let's face the fact that motherhood is scary.  This is the thing about being a mom that doesn't get talked about too often which it should....

7 Common Things That Moms Are Shamed For

7 Common Things That Moms Are Shamed For

Being a mom is challenging as it is, and it is one job that never ends and does not get pay, but the rewards are great. However, because motherhood is stressful as it is, mothers are judged. There are so many mom-shaming examples, it makes life that much harder. The...

7 Important Hygiene Tips For New Moms

7 Important Hygiene Tips For New Moms

This is all about hygiene tips for new moms! Having a new baby is stressful, to say the least, and this is why new parents are having to put their needs last. This applies mostly to new moms since they are the ones home caring for the baby while the father is out...

5 Ways To Help Out A New Mom

5 Ways To Help Out A New Mom

Being a new mom is overwhelming and can be quite lonely. New mothers can develop postpartum depression and other mental illnesses after having a baby. Especially if they had a difficult pregnancy and/or have a history of depression or any other type of mental illness....

Why Perfectionists May Become Helicopter Parents

Why Perfectionists May Become Helicopter Parents

What is the cause of the rise in helicopter parenting? There are probably many. But I will say this much. There is just so much judgment out there when it comes to other parents, it is no wonder that so many parents that are really doing their best are struggling with...

How To Prevent Hearing Loss In Our Children

How To Prevent Hearing Loss In Our Children

Hearing loss is a widespread and growing problem among our youth today — and yet is often not fully understood by even the most health-conscious parents. It’s a serious and potentially permanent problem that can follow you throughout your whole life. What makes the...

Expressive Mom – Giving Moms a Voice
