Why Perfectionists May Become Helicopter Parents

Why Perfectionists May Become Helicopter Parents

What is the cause of the rise in helicopter parenting? There are probably many. But I will say this much. There is just so much judgment out there when it comes to other parents, it is no wonder that so many parents that are really doing their best are struggling with...

How To Prevent Hearing Loss In Our Children

How To Prevent Hearing Loss In Our Children

Hearing loss is a widespread and growing problem among our youth today — and yet is often not fully understood by even the most health-conscious parents. It’s a serious and potentially permanent problem that can follow you throughout your whole life. What makes the...

How Can You Avoid Judgmental Mom Facebook Groups?

How Can You Avoid Judgmental Mom Facebook Groups?

The fact of the matter is that being a mom to young kids is lonely and isolating. That is because you are stuck inside having to tend to the little ones while there is very little time for seeing friends without having to tag the baby or the little ones along. This is...

4 Parenting Styles That You Must Be Aware Of

4 Parenting Styles That You Must Be Aware Of

Parenting is hard! There is no doubt about it. And as a parent, you just do your best because that is all you can do. Kids don’t come with instructions. And some parents fall into parenting styles that they had never envisioned themselves falling into because the...

Now Is Not the Time for ‘Mom Shaming’

Now Is Not the Time for ‘Mom Shaming’

  I became a mom about a decade ago, during the time of the so-called “Mommy Wars,” when parenting bloggers—the vast majority of which were women—often used their social media platforms to promote their style of parenting. During this time, women felt pressed to...

The Up-Sides Of Parenting Teens

The Up-Sides Of Parenting Teens

The worst-case scenarios happen when parents of young kids look forward to their days when their kids outgrow difficult stages. That sounds like a dream. However, at the same time, kids grow into teenagers before they grow into adults. And teenagers are believed to be...

These Comics Sum Up Parenting In 2020

These Comics Sum Up Parenting In 2020

Who would have ever imagined that on New Year's Eve of 2019 that we would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Who would be celebrating the upcoming year if they knew what was in store? No one would. The strange thing is that I personally experience feelings about how...

Expressive Mom – Giving Moms a Voice
